Memorandum No. 2020-001 also known as “Code of Governance for Electric Cooperatives” issued by the National Electrification Administration (NEA) to all Electric Cooperatives (ECs) was amended through Memorandum No. 2023-32.

With the removal of Sec. 5 Multiple Board Seats, which states that “No EC Director shall hold Board seats in other businesses of the EC, such as transmission, generation, supply and foundation except in EC associations or allied organizations,” the EC Directors are now allowed to act as Directors in other agencies or institutions.

To clarify conflicting interpretations on policies involving the procurement of an Emergency Power Supply Agreement (EPSA), the National Electrification Administration (NEA), together with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), conducted a consultative meeting with the affected Electric Cooperatives (ECs) at the HES Auditorium, NEA Building, Diliman, Quezon City, on Friday, 16 June 2023.

According to the ERC Advisory issued on 07 June 2023, EPSAs shall be immediately implemented and filed with the ERC. The latest lowest approved generation tariff for the same technology in comparable areas as posted in the ERC website will be the applicable rate which can be passed through to consumers while the EPSA is still pending approval. Once the ERC has evaluated and approved the agreement, the definitive price issued will be the one that is passed on to consumers. ECs can also negotiate a higher or lower tariff than the ERC-approved tariff for each technology available in the area against the EPSA rate, provided that it can be proven to the ERC that it is the least competitive rate or will benefit consumers.

The National Electrification Administration Administrator Antonio Mariano Almeda graced the first day of the 2023 National Association of General Managers of Electric Cooperatives (NAGMEC) Convention and 26th Annual General Membership Meeting in Novotel, Quezon City.