In a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Energy Wednesday, 17 May 2023, Senator Raffy Tulfo commended NEA Administrator Antonio Mariano Almeda for putting an end to decades of unstable power supply in Occidental Mindoro.

"I commend you for that, Mr. Almeda. Ayun 'yung kasabihan na kung gusto maraming paraan, kung ayaw maraming dahilan. In this case, gumawa kayo ng paraan para ma-solve itong problema," Sen. Tulfo said.

Electric Cooperatives (ECs) nationwide are enjoined by the National Electrification Administration (NEA) to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the Commission on Audit on the implementation of Sitio Electrification Program (SEP) Projects.

In a technical advisory, the NEA said that all ECs must comply strictly with the timeline set for the project completion and energization in Item 3.a of the Memorandum of Agreement between the NEA and the ECs to avoid suspension of further release of subsidy funds.

The National Electrification Administration (NEA) amended the policy/guidelines on the Annual Electric Cooperative (EC) Overall Performance Assessment to address the heightened demands for power rate reduction, security of power supply, reliability of service, good governance and member-consumer-owners' (MCOs) empowerment.

Based on the new performance assessment criteria, 40 points shall be granted to ECs with sound fiscal management. The Financial Parameters include leverage or level of indebtedness of the EC, liquidity ratio, efficiency, result of financial operation and NEA audit rating. Financial efficiency will be determined through the ECs’ collection efficiency, payment to power suppliers, payment to NEA and payment to banks/other financial institutions.