The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Resolution No. 10743 dated 16 December 2021 deputized, among others, the National Electrification Administration (NEA) for the purpose of ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible conduct of the 9 May 2022 national and local elections. The Agency is commissioned to provide and maintain stable and continuous nationwide electric power requirements through the Electric Cooperatives from the start of voting, until the termination or conclusion of the canvassing of votes and the proclamation of the winning candidates.

In compliance, the NEA Power Task Force Election was created through Office Order No. 2022-036 issued by Administrator Emmanuel P. Juaneza on 2 March 2022. Factoring in members supplemented through Office Order No. 2022-070 issued on 24 March 2022, the task force is composed of Engineering Department (ED), Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Department (DRRMD), Total Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Department (TEREDD), Human Resources and Administration Department (HRAD), Corporate Communications and Social Marketing Office (CCSMO), Information Technology and Communication Services Department (ITCSD), Institutional Development Department (IDD) and Finance Services Department (FSD).

The National Electrification Administration, in partnership with the 121 Electric Cooperatives (ECs) nationwide, surpassed the electricity consumer connections target for 2021 by 182,083 or 46% despite the difficulties brought by the current health crisis.

In February 2022, the NEA Information Technology and Communication Services Department (ITCSD) released the 2021 Year End Report on Consumer Connections that shows the connection of a total of 582,083 new consumers representing 146% accomplishment rate out of the targeted 400,000.

With this accomplishment, the consumer connections have summed up to 14,835,390 as of 31 December 2021, or 91% of the total potential connections in the franchise areas of the ECs. Broken down into the major islands, 47% of the total consumer connections or 6.929 million are located in Luzon; 26% or 3.941 million are in the Visayas; and 27% or 3.965 million are in Mindanao. The number of unserved consumers in the rural areas decreased to 1,331,877 based on the 2015 census.

CAGAYAN DE ORO–The NEA Administrator Emmanuel Juaneza met with the members of the Northern Mindanao Electric Cooperatives Association, Inc. (NORMECA) to discuss current issues and concerns with the EC Board of Directors and General Managers.

As the national and local elections are barely about two months from now, the Administrator clarified that the EC Board of Directors, officials and employees may freely support the political personalities and/or partylists of their choice without compromising the EC resources. The Administrator assured that the actions taken by the NEA is always for the best interest of the ECs and its consumers.###