Last 22 October 2019, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) adopted a policy that Distribution Utilities (DUs) with Compliance Filings with a resulting net over-recovery shall be directed to immediately refund the over-recovery.

In compliance with the consequent ERC Case 2017-026-CF Order dated 05 December 2019, Pangasinan I Electric Cooperative (PANELCO I) has implemented directives to fulfill the refund order. Attesting to this are the Electric Cooperative’s (EC) records submitted to the ERC. Hence, the news issuance statement that the EC is yet to refund the amount of PhP24.9M is in urgent need of updating. The most recent reports of PANELCO I show that they have already refunded the amount of PhP18.7M as of April 2022, leaving only the amount of PhP4.6M to be refunded. ###

The National Electrification Administration (NEA) is highly optimistic in reaching the 15 Millionth connection as this is a fulfillment of the Agency’s mandated mission of bringing electricity to the countryside. Recent report on Consumer Connections shows that the number of consumers served is now 14,969,035, only 30,965 consumers less to reach another milestone in the Rural Electrification Program.

“The NEA, in partnership with the Electric Cooperatives, will continue to bring light and hope to the people in the countryside”, Administrator Emmanuel P. Juaneza said.

NEA Information Technology and Communication Services Department (ITCSD) will closely monitor the status of consumer connections so as not to miss this momentous event.

The Institutional Services Department (ISD) Managers of the Electric Cooperatives (ECs) attended a two-day Consultative Meeting on 31 May 2022 and 1 June 2022 at the National Electrification Administration (NEA) Building, Quezon City.

NEA Deputy Administrator for EC Management Services Sector Atty. Omar M. Mayo and Institutional Development Department Manager Nollie B. Alamillo acknowledged and welcomed the EC representatives, prefacing the relevant topics of the gathering.

First on the agenda was Consumer Development and Protection Division Acting Manager Arnel P. Galarpe’s focus on the enhanced policy guidelines that the ECs need to abide by to meet the Overall Performance Assessment standards. The Board of Directors (BOD) and General Managers (GM) will be rated accordingly to assess good governance. In addition, the tentative Institutional Performance Assessment of ECs for 2021 was presented.