In accordance with R.A. 11039 or the Electric Cooperatives Emergency and Resiliency Fund (ECERF) Act of 2018 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), all electric cooperatives (ECs) are mandated to submit and update their respective Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA), Emergency Response Plan (ERP), Mitigation Plan (MP), and Resiliency Compliance Plan (RCP) to the National Electrification Administration (NEA) annually.

Updated 2023 VRA, MP and ERP are to be submitted to NEA’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Department (DRRMD) not later than end of March 2023. Likewise, all ECs are required to submit the accomplished or the implementation status of the 2022 Mitigation Projects enumerated/identified by the respective ECs on their 2022 VRA and MP submissions.

Further, in compliance with Section 5.1.2 of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Circular No. DC2022-06-0228, the ECs’ RCP shall be submitted through NEA for review and consolidation, the deadline of which is every March 31st of the year. RCP should be consistent with the Distribution Development Plan (DDP) to be submitted for the same year.

Failure to comply and submit the necessary requirements on time will restrict the ECs from accessing the ECERF. ###