The National Electrification Administration (NEA) wrote a formal request to the Department of Justice (DOJ) to conduct a thorough and in-depth investigation into possible criminal acts and/or other irregularities that may have attended the transactions undertaken by the former Members of the Board of Directors and Management officials of the Benguet Electric Cooperative (BENECO).

In its letter to Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla dated 21 February 2023, the agency apprised the DOJ about the result of the motu proprio investigations it conducted due to the adverse findings/observations on the financial and management audit conducted on BENECO.

Last January, the NEA, through its Board of Administrators (NEA BOA), issued a Decision ordering the removal of BENECO’s Board of Directors based on findings of long-standing irregularities in the management of BENECO.

In the same Decision, the NEA BOA suspended BENECO Assistant General Manager Engr. Melchor Licoben for forty-five (45) days, finding him administratively liable for simple negligence as a first offense.

"Although the above findings of NEA in the administrative cases were limited to the administrative liabilities of the respondents, the matters unearthed therein strongly suggest that there was criminal fraud (i.e., estafa and/or other deceits, among others) committed by said respondents that resulted to the damage of BENECO, especially its member-consumer-owners," the NEA said in its letter signed by Administrator Antonio Mariano Almeda.

It was further noted that the substantial amounts involved in the transactions and the apparent unlawful abuse of confidence by the Board of Directors and management officials of BENECO, who are charged with the fiduciary duty to faithfully administer the affairs of the electric cooperative, appear to have committed criminal conspiracy to the damage and prejudice of the electric cooperative and its member-consumer-owners.

The letter request for a fact-finding investigation, together with all pertinent and relevant documents which may be needed in the conduct of investigation, were submitted to the DOJ on 22 February 2023. ###