Acknowledging the crucial role that effective communications play in every organization, the National Electrification Administration (NEA) held a two-day workshop for the officers of electric cooperatives (ECs) tasked with disseminating public information to their member-consumer-owners (MCOs).
The NEA-EC Training Institute (NETI), together with the NEA Corporate Communications and Social Marketing Office (CCSMO), organized the communications workshop for the members of the League of Information and Communication Officers of Electric Cooperatives Nationwide (LEXICON) last March 19 and 20, 2024 at the Diversion 21 Hotel in Iloilo City.
The learning sessions were designed to strengthen the competencies of LEXICON delegates who work with the media, the general public, and other electrification industry stakeholders.
Seasoned media practitioner Brian Geli served as resource speaker for the two-day seminar. Geli has a vast experience in television and public relations, making him a reliable mentor for the EC officers, who were eager to improve their skills as communicators.
Geli covered topics such as writing press releases, creating contents for social media, producing videos, and planning information and education campaigns, among others, to help LEXICON members perform their jobs more effectively and efficiently.
NEA through NETI emphasized the importance of constantly developing the communications professionals working for the ECs, who often deal with complex information vis-à-vis the daily operations of power distribution utilities.
NEA Deputy Administrator for EC Management Services Atty. Omar Mayo attended the event on the second day to administer the oath of regional LEXICON officers during the general membership meeting.
Also in attendance to deliver messages during the seminar were NETI Acting Division Manager Ma. Regina Filoteo, and Guimaras Electric Cooperative (GUIMELCO) General Manager Shirley Laurente, who is also the president of the Electric Cooperatives Association of Region VI (ECAR VI).###