The Governing Board is primarily responsible for governance of the Corporation. Consequently, it is the Board and not Management that is primarily accountable to the State for the operations and performance of the Corporation.

Although the day-to-day management of its affairs may be with Management, the Board is, however, responsible for providing policy directions, monitoring and overseeing Management actions, as articulated in its Charter, and other relevant legislation, rules and regulations. As provided in its Charter, the Board shall be composed of a Chairman and four (4) members, one of whom shall be the Administrator as an ex-officio member.

- Board of Administrator’s Profile

- Compensation Package of Appointive Directors


NEA adheres to the highest standards of governance as prescribed in the GCG-approved Manual of Corporate Governance as well the Policy on Corporate Governance.

- Manual of Corporate Governance

- Policy on Board Governance


Board Committees

Implementation of the Corporate Strategy

Board Meetings

Board/Committee Appraisal

The performance assessment of the Board, as well as of the Board Committees, is conducted annually based on GCG Memorandum Circular No. 2014-03 (3rd Issue) which can be downloaded at the GCG website. Assessment is done through the Performance Evaluation for Directors (PED) that covers all Appointive Directors and shall serve as the basis for the determination of whether they shall be recommended for reappointment. The PED also covers the Ex-Officio and their Alternates/Authorized Representatives who have attended at least 10% of the Board and Committee Meetings.

The Office of the Corporate Secretary forwards the notice for online evaluation including the link to all members of the Board of Administrators via electronic mail. The process and criteria used in the performance appraisal of the Board of Administrators is stated in the aforementioned GCG circular. Directors Performance Review is composed of three (3) Appraisal Forms accomplished and submitted online by each member of the Board.

- Manual of Corporate Governance, page 13, Section 16

- Policy on Board Governance, page 2, Item 9

Board Development

Upon assumption into office by the newly-appointed members of the Board, the Office of the Corporate Secretary facilitates an orientation program to inform them about the corporate profile, existing vision and mission of the NEA, organizational structure with functional charts, and in general, the conduct of regular meetings, the Board Committees and the existing Policy on Corporate Governance. Special orientation programs are also conducted in accordance with the requests of the newly appointed/designated alternate members of the Board, as the need arises.

In compliance with GCG Memorandum Circular No. 2012-05 Article 5 (f), the Board is required within three months from appointment to attend a duly accredited seminar on corporate governance.

NEA encourages the members of the Board to attend continuous professional education programs. The members of the Board, on their own initiative or upon the recommendation of the Management, may request their participation in certain professional programs, seminars, and conferences. Subject to approval, attendance to these programs is considered as within the scope of official business and as part of the duties and responsibilities of the members of the Board.

- Policy on Board Governance, page 2, Items 6-8

- Training Attendance (2024)

- Training Attendance (2023)

- Training Attendance (2022)

- Training Attendance (2021)