The National Electrification Administration (NEA) has released its guiding principles for electric cooperative (EC) officials and employees, who are planning to pursue political careers in the 2025 National and Local Elections (NLE) as well as the first Bangsamoro parliamentary polls.
In a memorandum dated 19 September 2024, NEA Administrator Antonio Mariano Almeda reminded potential candidates of the rules prescribed by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) pursuant to the provisions stated under Republic Act (RA) 10531 or the NEA Reform Act of 2013.
Read more: NEA Sets Guidelines for EC Workers Seeking Elective Positions in 2025 Polls
A total of 27 electric cooperatives (ECs) applied for state-funded loans to finance their capital expenditures (CapEx), among other projects, by end of August 2024, the National Electrification Administration (NEA) has reported.
Latest data from the NEA Accounts Management and Guarantee Department (AMGD) showed that 22 ECs borrowed at least P780-million for their CapEx projects.
Read more: 27 Electric Cooperatives Access Loans Worth P1.28-Billion—NEA
As the Philippines continues to weather storms, earthquakes, and other environmental hazards, the National Electrification Administration (NEA) enjoined all electric cooperatives (ECs) to stay ready in the event of serious calamities by obtaining insurance policies for their critical assets.
In a memorandum dated 10 September 2024, the NEA through Deputy Administrator for Technical Services Engr. Ernesto Silvano, Jr. sought information from all ECs under its watch regarding insurance coverage for their technical and operational facilities.